
Company Profile

Quena Paper Industry

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Company Profile

احدى شركات القابضه للصناعات الغذائيه. تصنيع وتصدير انواع الورق المختلفه [طباعه الصحف، التصوير، الكتابه والكتابه على الاله الكاتبه]. تعتبر احدى اكبر المصنعين للورق وورق الكتابه وورق الصحف.Established in 2000 as one of the affiliates of holding company for food industries group.120.000 طن سنويا.Manufacturer & exporter of paper forvarious uses [printing news, photocopying, writing & typewriting].25 جهاز.The company is one of the largest manufacturers of newspaper, printing & writing paper.Subject is considered among the top, 400 local importers during 2008, & enjoy a good reputation a according to ranking of the Egyptian Customs Authority.120.000 tons yearly.25 Computers with network.


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