Company Profile

Savant Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
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Company Profile
Importers and
Distributor of Laboratory Instruments, Process Instruments,
Environmental Instruments, Complete Lab Setup, Boiler Water Quality
Analyzer and Sample Conditioning Systems, Portable & field
Instruments, SWAS, Flow & Sampling Systems and Automation
Instruments:Multi parameter Test
Kits, Soil and Water Irrigation Water Kit, Hach Digital Titrator,
CEL/800 Series Portable Laboratories, Pocket Colorimeter, Single
Parameter Kits.Laboratory
Instruments:DR 5000 UV-Visible
Spectrophotometer, DR800 Series Colorimeter, HQD Digital Meter,
Laboratory Turbidity Meter 2100N/2100AN, Digital Reactor Blocks,
Dr2800 Portable Spectrophotometer, Digesdal Apparatus, Sens ION
Instruments, Portable Turbidimeter-2100P, HACH LBOD System, Mel
Portable Laboratories, M-Coliblue24, Prepared MPN Media,
Presence-Absence, Radio Meter Analytical: Titra Lab, Trace Lab and
Volta lab.Sigma Sampling and
Flow System:Sigma 900 Max and 930
Long Term Area Velocity Flow Meter.On-Line Analysis
Instrumentation:Analyzers sc 100 and
sc 1000 Universal Controllers, Amperometric Analyzer, Turbidty and
Suspended Solids, Toc On-Line Instruments, GLI Instruments, On-Line
Family of Digital Sensors, Series 5000 Analyser,
AMTAX/Phosphax/Nitratax Analyzers, APA 6000 Analyzers and Sludge
Level and Bomb Calorimeter.