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Rasaii Flow Lines
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Company Profile
Manufacturer and
Exporters of Teflon Lined Valves.Products Details:Teflon sleeved plug
valves, Teflon sleeved plug valves (1/2"-16"), Teflon sleeved plug
valves Screwed End, Teflon sleeved plug valves with Actuator,
Teflon lined (PFA / FEP) Ball valve, Teflon lined (PFA / FEP) plug
valve, Q-Check V Notched control ball valve, Variable valves with
Automation, Lined (PFA / FEP) ball valves, Teflon Lined 'V' Control
Ball Valve, Elastomer super seat lined ball valve, Teflon lined
check valve, Sight glass valve, Teflon lined butterfly valve,
Teflon sleeved plug valve - Jacketed type and Teflon sleeved plug