Company Profile

Porwal Tar Products (P) Ltd.
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Company Profile
Manufacturer of Coal
Tar Enamel (Pipeline Pitch), Synthetic Primer Tybe B, Coal Tar
Primer Type A, Coal Tar Pitch Modulate, Coal Tar Pitch, Coal Tar
Tape, Coal Tar Impregnated Outer Wrap, Coal Tar Epoxy Paint, Black
Japan (CA so Paint), Mastic HD, Hot Sealing Compound, Napthalene
Tar Acid & Cresylic Acid, Coal Tar (Dehydrated / P.D. /
Reconstituted), Anthra CENE Oil, Coal Tar Fuel, Sovent 1519/2060,
Solvent Naphtha, Primers, Cold Applied Black Protective, Anti
Corrosives, Low and High Temperature Tars and Wood Preservative
Oil, Coatings - Coal Tar Based, Enamel - Coal Tar Based, Pipe Lines
Coating - Coal Tar Based. Also Importer of Coal Tar Pitch.