Company Profile

NK Instruments Pvt Ltd
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Company Profile
Exporters of Process
Control Instruments which are required for indication and control
of process parameters like Pressure, Differential Pressure, Level,
Flow, Temperature, Conductivity & Density. Instruments such as
Pressure Gauges, Vacuum Gauges, Pressure Switches, Vaccum Switches,
Dp Gauges, Dp Switches, Differential Pressure Gauges, Differential
Pressure Switches, Level Switches, Level Indicators, Level
Transmitters, Flow Switches, Flow Indicators, Flow Transmitters,
Flow Meters, Flow Totalizers, Instruments For Indication and
Control of Pressure, Dp, Flow, Level, Conductivity and Density,
Vacuum Switches, Turbine Flow Meter, Magnetic Flow Meter, Positive
Displacement Flow Meters, Rota Meters, Metal Tube Rota Meters, RF
Admittance Level Switches, Vibrating Fork Level Switches,
Capacitance Level Transmitters, Conductivity Level Switches, Flow
Switches, Radar Level Transmitter, Micro Wave Level Transmitter,
Ultrasonic Level Transmitters, Ultrasonic Flow Meters, Non Contact
Level Instruments, Non Contact Flow Measuring Instruments.