Company Profile

Advanced Enzyme Technologies Ltd
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Company Profile
Advanced Enzyme
Technologies Limited (AETL) is India's pioneer in biotechnology
specializing in Enzyme research and development. With a commitment
to providing customized Ecosafe solutions AETL caters to the
Processing industries mainly food and industrial processing.AETL's vision is to
upgrade the quality standards of the products as well as replace
conventional manufacturing procedures that usually consist of harsh
chemicals, with pollution free enzyme based solutions.Headquartered in
Mumbai, AETL was established in 1989 by Mr C.L. Rathi, whose father
pioneered the production of Papain enzyme, way back in 1958. Today
with investments over USD $10 million AETL's production facilities
produces enzymes and probiotics worth over USD $20 million
annually.With a turnover
exceeding Rs 75 crores, AETL has created its own niche by being the
only company to provide customised solutions using enzyme
technology. AETL provides enzymes for the purpose of re-engineering
and redesigning in the following areas:-a) Food Processing:
Grains, Baking, Fruit Juice processing, Brewery, Distillery,
Starch,Dairy, Plantation
products and Extraction productsb) Industrial
Processing: Textiles, Leather, Agriculture, Bio-fuel and
EnvironmentWith global
footprints in over 30 countries AETL is one of the few companies to
commercially produce Probiotics (the `beneficial' or `good'
micro-organisms)Research &
Development: AETL invests 10% of its sales into new enzyme
development and application activities to develop a full spectrum
of industrial enzymes that primarily originate from biological
systems which help reduce costs and improve the output quality.
AETL has recently received a patent for a leather manufacturing
process that not only improves the quality of the product but also
reduces the pollution load in the leather industry by 70%AETL.s state of the
art manufacturing facility which is ISO 9001:2000 and WHO cGMP
certified is located in Nasik.International
markets: AETL.s group companies are, Specialty Enzymes and
Biochemicals Co (SEB) catering to the American Continents and
Speciality Enzymes Europe (SEE) catering to the European and
African market.Some of the
industries in which AETL.s research has made an impact areTextile Industry:
AETL has been successful in introducing a unique enzymatic bleach
negating the pollutants caused by the conventional method of
chlorine bleaching used in textile processing.Grain Processing:
AETL has developed a product that replaces the chlorine bleaching
process for wheat that is consumed by humans.