Company Profile

Anand Jute Industries
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Company Profile
Manufacturer &
Exporter of Jute Fabirc, Jute Bag, Hessian Cloth/Bag/Sheet, B.
Twill, A. Twill Bags, Hydrocarbon free (IJIRA Certified) Hessain
Cloth/Bags, Hydrocarbon free (IJIRA Certified) Sacking Cloth/Bags,
Vegetable Oil Treated (IJIRa Certified) Hessain Cloth/Bags,
Vegetable Oil Treated (IJIRA Certified) Sacking Cloth/Bags. Nursery
Sheets, Treated Nursery Sheets, Burlap, Soil Saver/Geo-textiles.
Full Bright Hessian Cloth/Bags, Full Bright Sacking Cloth/Bags,
Coloured/Dyed Jute Cloth/Bags, Azo - Free Coloued/Dyed Jute
Cloth/Bags. Jute Bags with L.D./P.P.Liners/lined/laminated.
Hessian/Jute Sand, Potato Bags, Chemically Treated
Water-Proof/Water-repelent, Antiseptical, Rot-Proof, Military.