Company Profile

Aditya Agency
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Company Profile
Exporters and Importers of Resistance Wires & Spares,
Thermocouple & its Spares, Compensating Cables, Silicon Carbide
Heating Rods, Thermocouple Extension Cables, Platinum Resistance
Thermometer, Insulating Materials, Flame Proof Items, Sodium /
Mercury Vapour Lamp, Thermocouple One End Close Sheaths, M. I.
(MGO) Flexible Thermocouple Cables, Thermocouples Bare Wires,
Thermocouples & Thermowells, Silicon Carbide Heating Elements,
Kanthal A-1 & Dsd Wires & Strips, Male - Female
Disconnectors, Thermocouple Cables Extension, Cables With Various
Types of Braiding, Platinum / Platinium / Rhodium Bare Wires, 10%
or 13%, 1mm to 0.15mm Dia (Type: 'R' 'S').