Company Profile

UVI Fluid Controls Pvt Ltd
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Company Profile
Suppliers and
Importers of Solenoid Valves, Angle Seat Valves, High Pressure
Valves, High Temperature Valves, Actuated Valves, Proportional
Valves.Product Range:General
Purpose Solenoid Valves, Fuel Oil Valves, Fuel Gas Valves, Manual
Reset Valves, Slow Opening and Quick Shut Off Valves for Combustion
Gases, 3/2 . Valves, 4/3 Valves, 5/2 up to 1 inch, Namur Valves,
High Pressure Valves up to 250 Bar, Cryogenic Valves, Valves for
Corrosive Fluids, Auto Drain Valves, Pneumatic Operator, Ex Proof
Version, Magnetic Level Switch, Valves for Ammonia, Valves for