Company Profile

Vindies Enterprises
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Company Profile
Suppliers & Exporters of Mechanical Power Transmissions Gears,
Gearboxes & Screw Jacks, Phase Shifter Gear Box, L Drive Gear
Boxes.Product Range: Screw
Jacks, Ball Jacks, Spiral Bevel Gear Boxes, Bevel Jacks, Worm Gear
Boxes, Bevel Drive Gear Boxes, Spiral Gear Boxes, Spiral Bevel
Gears, Bevel Jacks, Motorized Jacks, Automobile Jacks, Electrical
Scissors Jacks, Ball Jaint Screw Jacks, Geared Motors, Battery
Operated Stacker & Roller Mill Gear Box.Other Products and
Services:Goods Lift For
Building Upto 50 meters Capacity 500, 1000, 1500Kgs, 2 & 3
Tonnes, 2 Hi, 3Hi, 4 Hi, Gear Boxes For Steel Roll Mill, Pinch Roll
Gearbox, Reduction GearBox, Cutting Machine for Steel Roll Mill
(Red Hot Condition)