Company Profile

Maxwell Scientific Corporation
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Company Profile
Deals in Wire &
Cable Testing Instruments for getting BIS: 694, 1554 & 7098. We
also deal in FRLS Testing Instruments, Testing Instruments for XLP
Cable & Electronics Instruments used in various laboratories of
Colleges, Polytechnics and ITI etc.Manufacturers and
Supplier of Cable Testing Instruments, Kelvin Double Bridge,
Million Megohm Meter, Tensile Testing Machines, AC High Voltage
Breakdown Testers, DC High Voltage Breakdown Testers, AC Spark
Testers, Ageing Oven, Profile Projectors, Standard Resistance Boxes
for testing CR & IR, Digital Micro-ohm Meter, Hot Air Oven,
Water Bath Tank, Hot Deformation Test Apparatus, Heat Shock
Mandrel, Stop Watch, Electrical Balance, Hot Set Test Apparatus,
Water Absorption Test Apparatus, Oxygen Index Test Apparatus, Smoke
Density Test Apparatus etc.