Company Profile

Cubane Speciality Chemicals Pvt Ltd
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Company Profile
Manufacturers of
Specialty Chemicals Used in Papers.Products Range:Pulping Product
Range: Digester Additive, Resin Control in Digester, Wash
Aids/Defoamers/Drainage Aids, Pitch Control Digester, Screen Plant
& Blaech Plant Scale Control & Boil Out Chemicals, White
Liquor/Bleach Liquor/Green Liquor Clarification, Lime Mud
Dewatering /Sludge Dewatering Programs, Evaporator Scale Control
Program.Deinking Products
Range: Deinking Chemicals, Catalase Enzymes Control, Boil Out/
Cleaners, Stickies Control and Anti Slime Chemicals.Paper Coating:
Lubricants, Insolubilisers, Defoamers, Biocides, Synthetic Binders,
Rheology Modifiers, Purified sidium Salt of CMC, Coating
Dispersants, Hydroxylated Resin, Gloss Improvement, Coating
Thickener, Flow Modifiers, Water Retention Agents and Cool Kitchen
Boil.Tissue: Creping &
Release/ Modifiers, Felt Cleaning, Wet Strength/Dry Strength,
Dust/Lint Control, Bulk Improvement, Softeners, Rattling
Improvement, Antiscale Control, Stickies Control/ Pitch Control/
Microbiological Control/ Oodur Control, Deinking Chemicals and
Retention and Drainage Program.