Company Profile

Anugraha Valve Castings Ltd
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Company Profile
Manufacturer and
Exporter of Steel and Stainless Steel Castings for Valves and Pump
IndustriesProducts Range:Carbon and Low Alloy
Steel, High Alloy Steel and Nickel Based Alloy.Types Valves: Gate
Valve, Globe Valve, Swing Check Valve, Strainer Valve, Control
Valve, Knife Gate Valve(Single Piece Design, Two Piece design),
safety Relief Valve & Safety Valves, ball Valve, Butterfly
ValveValve components:
Yoke, Yoke Cum Bonnet, Wedge, Seat Ring, Plug Cage, Safety Relief
Valves Body, Safety Relief Valve bonnet, Four-Way Valve Body,
Strainer Body, Strainer Cap, Ball, Body and Adapters.