Company Profile

Manmal Metal Syndicate
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Company Profile
Stockists and Suppliers of Non-Ferrous Metals, Aluminium-Rods,
Sheets, Tubes, Plates, Strips and Wires Brass-Rods, Tubes, Plates,
Strips and Wires, Copper-Electrolytic Grade Busbars, Rods, Sheets,
Tubes, Plates, Strips and Other Sections.Stainless Steel:
Rods, Sheets, Tubes, Plates, Strips and Wires, Gun Metal - Bars,
Plates, Strips and Sheets, Lead - Sheets and Wires, Phosphor Bronze
- Rods, Sheets, Hollow Bars, Tin - Ingots, Cadmium Copper - Rods
for Welding, Coppper Coated Mild Steel - Welding Rods,White Metal - Ingots
and Rods, Zinc - Sheets, Ingots.