How to Improve Shippers/Carriers Relationships
logo (1).pngEveryone has an opinion on how to reduce trucking costs from shippers, receivers and Logistic Companies. They all are known about the LTL services for making Relationship Strong with shippers.
Some advice on how to make strong relationships with shippers/carriers said by Mark Hamblin, vice president of sales, west, for LTL carrier.
1.       Work for Accommodation : 
Determine which lanes and freight work best by doing work with your carriers.
With doing collaboration with carriers to ensure you are adding profitable business to their connections. It will make long time relationship.
2.      Stick on your Commitment :
Fulfil your commitment to hold your business on growing path. Decide prices on facility you provide. Supplying in accurate data or not shipping in the lanes and tonnage you commit could lead to negotiations.
3.       Provide Important Data :
Provide important data like lane and tonnage data, Freight Characteristic percentage and monthly volumes to carriers. It helps to assume locations wise changes in specific freight characteristics, or seasonal changes in volume.
4.      Share Good Opportunities :
When you know about new opportunities also share it with your carriers as partner. By this you can save your time and expense of Formal RFP and carriers will earn more from your business.               
5.       Help Your Carrier divers :
To make your facility more driver friendly than help your carrier drivers. Make long term relationships with carrier drive because of he knows your business procedure very well.
6.       6. Make some offers. 
Talk to your carrier about operational changes you can make that won't impact your operations. For instance, if you already run a weekend shift, why not offer weekend trailer swap options to your carrier?
7.       Give some time to carriers :
When you begin a new partnership, give the carrier time to get its system ready and trained to take on the new lanes and freight.
8.      Arrange Meeting :
Arrange meeting with your carriers to review performance metrics, and new services and options, and to strengthen the relationship. Working together prior to renegotiation will improve and solidify the partnership.

9.      Use Technology :
Shippers expect carriers to provide real-time data on shipments, and carriers have gone to great expense to do so. In return, shippers should be willing to use programming options that provide a smooth, accurate transfer of data without requiring additional manual work on either side.
10.   provide accurate information :
A good relationship at all levels of the organization is the best way to ensure the shipper/carrier partnership is strong and healthy, which reduces costs and improves service.
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