To achieve good Warehouse productivity, one has to reduce picking times and increasing throughput rates. It is quite Tough Job.

Below there are some tips which helps you to get good result

1)      Use automatic Picking operation system: Pick to light and pick to voice systems are very useful which reduces errors and make picking process faster by providing picker information. It will remove extra physical efforts like searching items on piece of paper.

2)      Use Automatic System Goods to person Technique: The Automatic Vehicle places the goods to particular worker’s station it reduces time and damage of goods.

3)      Use Warehouse Control System: this is total solution about timing, picking goods, packaging, picking goods report. All things can be managed by this system.

4)      Use trays sorters: it is useful to deliver goods close to package boxes.

5)      Use RFID (Radio Frequency identification): it increases operational accuracies and efficiency by allowing real time inventory management.

6)      Track Labour and benchmarking tool: it helps to increase accuracy of labour work as labour knows that they are track by system.

7)      Use Advance Shipping Notification tool: it will very useful for managers to predict timetable form when shipment will be arrived.

8)      Use automatic picker machine: it reduces touches to goods. Automatically packaging to sealing process will be happen on fly. It increases life of package.

9)      Re- Structure Warehouse: Re-structure warehouse by placing goods category wise, and also place most popular product most to reduce searching efforts by workers.

This all General Tips Will Definitely Improve your warehouse productivity.

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