
Company Profile

Emirates National Oil Company Limited (ENOC)

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Company Profile

Products & Services: ENOC Group of Companiesprovide a diversified range of products includingsweet and sour condensates, light crude and petroleumproducts such as: LPG, naphtha, jet fuel, diesel,marine diesel, branded automotive and industriallubricants, asphalt, gasoline, destenched butane,propane as aerosol propellant, kerosene, methanol,crude oil and fuel oil. Other services include:aircraft fuelling operations, sales & support andindependent storage and handling of petroleumproducts, ship management and chartering services,leasing product storage tanks to bulk customers,technical assistance in planning of LPG storagefacilities, high & low-flash tankage, nitrogenfacilities, broad-base blending, drumming,decanding, container stuffing/destuffing, molecularfiltration, manufacture of LPG cylinders, tanksand pressure vessels, structural fabrication andin-plant pipe laying, shells for dissolved acetylenegas and refrigerant gas cylinders, steel fabrication,chlorine tonners, bulk ISO containers and hardware,software, service and support in IT.