
Company Profile


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Company Profile

SAIL Romania is a company headquartered in Bucharest, with a secondary office in Constanta whose mission is the provision  of efficient, reliable and high quality transport services. We know that in today's highly competitive market, any small detail that can bring added value to the work of our clients makes the difference in choosing the transport providers.

In wish to expanding the portfolio of services offered to the clients already accustomed to our high standards  of quality, SAIL accepted being appointed as exclusive Romanian agent of the reputed Russian shipping line Far Eastern Shipping Company - FESCO.

FESCO, one of the largest logistics and transport holdings and a leader of the container transportation market in the Far East region, has the intention to maintain its pole position in niche markets, while also expending in areas with high potential as the case of Romania, where Constanta port is Europe's Eastern point of entry/ exit offering excellent connections to many destinations both inland and overseas.